Building a home. 

I achieved my childhood dream of owning a home on Friday. I handed over a certified check, signed a formidable stack of papers, and received my key. 

When I was a little girl, other girls would draw pictures of their wedding dresses. I would draw floor plans. This is where the kitchen will be. Here is where I’ll put a bench in the garden. This is the loft overlooking the main room. 

Since Friday I’ve been moving boxes, buying paints, and taking on home improvement projects. Every minute of the day I’m moving in the direction of having a complete home for me and Mishka. Yesterday, I painted the kitchen a warm light blue. This morning, I replaced the faucet and began the monumental endeavour of tiling the entire 12×19 foot room (of course, not without Jeremy’s lead on said project). Tomorrow we finish tiling and begin grout work. I went to work at six and got home at midnight. I thought I was exhausted but instead I painted the entire dining room. That’s why it’s 3:30 in the morning and I’m soaking in an Epsom salt bath and having a well-deserved glass of Riesling. I imagine I will be dead on my feet tomorrow morning, but sleep is for those who can do nothing but dream of what isn’t there. My dream already came to fruition. Nothing left to do but stay awake to watch it evolve. 

I’ll post some photos of before and after soon. Tonight, I relax in the tub and make mental to-do lists. So begins the journey. 

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